
Becoming Sara

I am on a wonderful journey. I am discovering myself, my real self.

Being Open to Possibilities

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I posted. I've been focusing on making some new changes in my life. So focused that I haven't taken the time to post. Then I realized, these are exactly sort of things... Continue Reading →


In the past two years, I have realized the importance of forgiveness. It is a critical step in healing yourself. For me it was probably the most difficult step. Luckily, I have had plenty of opportunities since to practice forgiveness... Continue Reading →


When I was planning my trip out West to visit Havasupai, I decided to head out a day early so I could spend a day at the Valley of Fire State Park. Valley of Fire is about an hour outside... Continue Reading →

Perception of control

I spent many years with a skewed perception of control. I understood the concept of letting go of what wasn't in my control, but struggled with putting it into practice. I had a lot of excuses and had become very... Continue Reading →

Havasupai Adventure

Every time I go on an adventure, I come home changed. My trip to Havasupai is no exception. The Havasupai campground is in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The only ways to get there are on foot, horse or... Continue Reading →

Striving to live in the moment

What does it mean to be present? Your mind isn't wandering. You are not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You are aware of what is going on around you and your surroundings. Something I've realized recently... Continue Reading →

Love and independence

Recently I wrote a post about what I have learned in my last five years of being single. After that post, I got a lot of great feedback. One topic that came up a couple of times was whether or... Continue Reading →

What’s your secret?

Over the last two years I lost close to 100 pounds. A lot of people have asked me my secret to weight loss. Inevitably, they are disappointed in my response. Typically I respond by saying it's not a secret, eat... Continue Reading →

What 5 years of being single has taught me

Up until the past five years, I had been in one relationship or another since I was 15 years old. So, when my marriage ended 5 years ago, I was lost. I didn't know who I was as an individual.... Continue Reading →

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